Completed Project

The Matlab toolbox SciXMiner is designed for the visualization and analysis of time series and features with a special focus to data mining problems including classification, regression and clustering. In addition, it contains extension packages for the analysis of images, data quality, antimicrobial peptides, object tracking, zebrafish tissues and the quantification of grains in asphalt samples. SciXMiner is the successor of the Matlab toolbox Gait-CAD.

Software and documentation are distributed under GNU-GPL license and are publicly available for download at


Further information:

Mikut, R.; Bartschat, A.; Doneit, W.; Ordiano, J. Á. G.; Schott, B.; Stegmaier, J.; Waczowicz, S. & Reischl, M.: The MATLAB Toolbox SciXMiner: User's Manual and Programmer's Guide. arXiv:1704.03298, 2017