Contact persons


Project Managers
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Dr.-Ing. stephan allgeier does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. kaibin bao does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. hueseyin cakmak does-not-exist.kit edu
  jan dillmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. ghada elbez does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. kevin foerderer does-not-exist.kit edu
  andreas geiger does-not-exist.kit edu
apl. Prof. Dr. lutz groell does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. julian hoffmann does-not-exist.kit edu
  andreas hofmann does-not-exist.kit edu
  richard jumar does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. liane koker does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. uwe kuehnapfel does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. heiko maass does-not-exist.kit edu
apl. Prof. Dr. joerg matthes does-not-exist.kit edu
apl. Prof. Dr. ralf mikut does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Min. to mueller does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. katja nau does-not-exist.kit edu
apl. Prof. Dr. pylatiuk does-not-exist.kit edu
apl. Prof. Dr. markus reischl does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. thorsten schlachter does-not-exist.kit edu
TT-Prof. Dr. benjamin schaefer does-not-exist.kit edu
apl. Prof. Dr. ingo sieber does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. luigi spatafora does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. wolfgang suess does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. simon waczowicz does-not-exist.kit edu
  friedrich wiegel does-not-exist.kit edu
2 additional persons visible within KIT only.
PhD candidates
Name Phone E-Mail
mohammed abdaljawwad does-not-exist.kit edu
arman attar does-not-exist.kit edu
hermenegildo alberto does-not-exist.kit edu
sebastian beichter does-not-exist.kit edu
sine canbolat does-not-exist.kit edu
karin chen does-not-exist.kit edu
zehua chen does-not-exist.kit edu
haozhen cheng does-not-exist.kit edu
burak dindar does-not-exist.kit edu
marvin dorn does-not-exist.kit edu
oemer ekin does-not-exist.kit edu
hadeer elashhab does-not-exist.kit edu
johannes galenzowski does-not-exist.kit edu
andreas geiger does-not-exist.kit edu
jakob geiges does-not-exist.kit edu
simon grafenhorst does-not-exist.kit edu
matthias hertel does-not-exist.kit edu
hawo hoefer does-not-exist.kit edu
yanlin jiang does-not-exist.kit edu
adam kastner does-not-exist.kit edu
gustav keppler does-not-exist.kit edu
nathalie klug does-not-exist.kit edu
alexander kocher does-not-exist.kit edu
jovana kovacevic does-not-exist.kit edu
markus kramer does-not-exist.kit edu
felix langner does-not-exist.kit edu
nan liu does-not-exist.kit edu
qi liu does-not-exist.kit edu
arjun madhusoodhanan does-not-exist.kit edu
xuanhao mu does-not-exist.kit edu
alexandra nikoltchovska does-not-exist.kit edu
ulrich oberhofer does-not-exist.kit edu
andre orth does-not-exist.kit edu
sebastian puetz does-not-exist.kit edu
luca rettenberger does-not-exist.kit edu
sanchez does-not-exist.kit edu
jan schassberger does-not-exist.kit edu
philipp schmurr does-not-exist.kit edu
manuel treutlein does-not-exist.partner kit edu
joaquin urrutia-gomez does-not-exist.kit edu
jan wachter does-not-exist.kit edu
moritz weber does-not-exist.kit edu
xinyi wen does-not-exist.kit edu
friedrich wiegel does-not-exist.kit edu
18 additional persons visible within KIT only.

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