Frequency Data for Stable Power Supply – Publication in Nature Communications
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- Date: 2020-12-17
In the renewable energies era, grid frequency will be an increasingly important indicator of stability of power supply. Under the direction of the Helmholtz Association, an interdisciplinary research consortium has analyzed frequency fluctuations in twelve synchronous grid areas on three continents.
For this big measurement campaign of about 430 days, a research team of KIT’s Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) developed a novel electrical data recorder (EDR) and provided the measurement teams with a device each. The EDR uses a GPS receiver for time synchronization and enables recording of raw and frequency data with very high resolution. The device is portable and can transmit raw data via a secure VPN tunnel directly to the “Large Scale Data Facility” of KIT’s Steinbuch Centre for Computing, where they are further processed for research purposes.
First results have now been published in Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19732-7).
KIT Distances Itself from Previous Namesake Karl Steinbuch; New Designation Is “Scientific Computing Center”
Irrespective of his scientific achievements, KIT distanced itself from Karl Steinbuch in November 2023. In this connection, KIT decided to rename its information technology center Scientific Computing Center (previously Steinbuch Centre for Computing). This decision is based on latest findings of historian A. Guhl, according to which Karl Steinbuch advocated unacceptable acts of war as a young man during the Nazi era. After his retirement, Steinbuch increasingly adopted extreme right-wing positions (for further information see press release).