Mechanical engineer's day 2019 - Dr.-Ing. Willy-Höfler-Doktorandenpreis
- Date: 03.09.2019
As part of the mechanical engineer's day on 19.07.2019 Dr.-Ing. Simon Waczowicz was awarded the "Dr.-Ing. Willy-Höfler-Doktorandenpreis" for the best dissertation.
The title of the dissertation is “Konzept zur datengetriebenen Analyse und Modellierung des preisbeeinflussten Verbrauchsverhaltens” and it deals with the data-driven analysis and modeling of the consumption behavior of household customers in response to different price signals.
For this purpose, an overall concept was developed that consists of different preprocessing, analysis and modeling methods. The concept covers the entire process chain from the acquisition of the smart meter raw data to the analysis and modeling of the consumption behavior. The time series clustering as an important part of the new concept allows statements to be made about seasonal, weekly, tariff-related differences for a demand response measure. Furthermore, the new concept allows that household-specific DR differences (responder, semi-responder, non-responder households) can be identified. In addition, a new demand response model class
(virtual storage model) was developed whose models consist of a system of difference equations and describe the consumption behavior of household customers in response to different price signals.Dr.-Ing. Simon Waczowicz is head of the working group Smart Energy System Simulation & Automation Laboratory at IAI.