Completed Project

GML Toolbox

The GML-Toolbox is a tool for handling spatially related data in the standardized formats XPlanGML (all versions), CityGML (all versions and Application Domain Extensions(ADEs)), BoreholeML (version 3.0), ALKIS/NAS (version 5.1 and 6.0), or an INSPIRE format. For all formats, reading and writing of file-based data, geometrical and syntactical checking (schema validation), evaluation and change of attribute values, reference system transformations, as well as visualization with external viewers are supported. For this, two-dimensional geodata are transformed into the Structured Vector Graphics (SVG) format and displayed with a suited HTML browser. For three-dimensional geodata, the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format is used as visualization format, and GoogleEarth as external viewer. The software can only be used under MS-Windows.

The German national standard XPlanGML for urban and landscape planning information is supported by a number of specialized features: Transformation of Shapefile-based plans into the XPlanGML format, checking of he XPlanGML conformity rules, and migration of older standard-versions into newer ones.


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