Within the field of energy system integration, the STC working group deals with system-theoretical and control-engineering issues. In addition, it has many years of experience in the modeling, control and simulation of complex systems and process engineering processes. In the following, the current main research topics are presented.
Contributions to control engineering and modeling:
- Model averaging methods
- Methods for model order reduction
- Modeling using hybrid systems
- Development of power converter models
- Theoretical and practical investigation of inverter-dominated microgrids
- Trajectory planning for power electronic systems
- Control of overactuated systems
- Electrification and flexibilization of process plants
Contributions to systems theory:
- Region of attraction of time delay systems
- Bifurcation analysis of time delay systems
- Modeling of distributed-parameter systems
- Selected topics in stability theory
Ongoing projects:
- Helmholtz Program Energy System Design (ESD)
- Industrial Crystallizers (in cooperation with GEA Messo GmbH)
Name | Phone | |
apl. Prof. Dr. Lutz Groell | +49 721 608-25736 | lutz groell ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Adam Kastner, M. Sc. | +49 721 608-25740 | adam kastner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Dr. Anton Ponomarev, PhD | anton ponomarev ∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |
Jan Schaßberger, M.Sc. | jan schassberger ∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |
Dr. Tessina Scholl | +49 721 608-25807 | tessina scholl ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |