Data Management in Energy computer science
The Data Management in Energy Informatics Group develops solutions for data acquisition, data storage, and data administration as well as for data access in applications of energy informatics. The Group is involved in the following projects:
The [Data Life Cycle Lab Energy (DLCL Energy) focuses on the life cycle of data.. Data life cycle labs are part of theLarge Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA) initiative and embedded in the program-oriented funding scheme of the Helmholtz Association and the research programme Supercomputing & Big Data. Under DLCL Energy, IAI cooperates with the Efficient Algorithms Group of the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB).
The Energy Lab 2.0 is to be an intelligent platform to study the
interaction of components of future energy systems. The Group studies a variety of aspects relating to the data management of the Energy Lab.
The Group also contributes to the Energy System 2050 Initiative of the research field Energy of the
Helmholtz Association. An appropriate information and communication infrastructure is a prerequisite for the future energy system. In this connection, work focuses on the design of standardized data formats and the associated implementation of a system for data storage and communication among the components of a decentralized energy system. Other activities cover the quality of the recorded measurement data and metadata that are then used as inputs for downstream prognosis and control systems.