Introduction into Mechatronics



  • Introduction
  • Structure of mechatronic systems
  • Mathematical treatment of mechatronic systems
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Measurements: acquisition and interpretation
  • Modelling of mechatronic systems
  • Control and feedback control systems
  • Information processing

Learning objectives:

The student has knowledge about the specific challenge of interdisciplinary collaboration within the framework of mechatronics. He is able to explain the origin, necessity and methodic implementation of interdisciplinary collaboration, to name the main difficulties as well as the special features within the development of mechatronic products from the point of view of development methodic.

The student has fundamental knowledge of modeling mechanical, hydraulically and electrically part systems and about suitable optimization methods.

The student knows the difference in use of the term "system" in mechatronic and mechanical use.

Language of instructionGerman

Heimann, B.; Gerth, W.; Popp, K.: Mechatronik. Leipzig: Hanser, 1998
Isermann, R.: Mechatronische Systeme - Grundlagen. Berlin: Springer, 1999
Roddeck, W.: Einführung in die Mechatronik. Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 1997
Töpfer, H.; Kriesel, W.: Funktionseinheiten der Automatisierungstechnik. Berlin: Verlag Technik, 1988
Föllinger, O.: Regelungstechnik. Einführung in die Methoden und ihre Anwendung. Heidelberg: Hüthig, 1994
Bretthauer, G.: Modellierung dynamischer Systeme. Vorlesungsskript. Freiberg: TU Bergakademie, 1997