Screening Platform for Personalized Oncology (SPPO) – Standardized Individual Profiling of Tumours based on Miniaturized Technology for Drug Sensitivity Screening

The main aim of this proposal is to establish a platform and workflows for drug sensitivity profiling of minute amount of cell material, based on unique technological expertise we possess at KIT. In parallel a DFG SFB proposal is to be prepared, to bundle partners from academia, hospitals and industry with expertise in biology, medicine and computer science aiming for test systems in personalized oncology using drug sensitivity profiling.

The aim of the work packages of the IAI is the development of workflows, algorithms and interfaces using machine learning for automated image analysis of the generated image data.


Completed Project

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments