DaNa4.0 - Data on new, innovative and safe application related materials
- Contact:
- Project Group:
Process Optimization, Information Management, Applications (PIA)
- Funding:
- Partner:
Dechema, KIT, UFZ
- Startdate:
- Enddate:
Programme: BMBF funding programme “From Material to Innovation” - FKZ: 03XP0282
DaNa4.0 is a scientific communication project dealing with the safety of advanced materials. The project addresses questions of if certain materials could be harmful to humans and/or the environment or if and how humans and the environment could come into contact with these materials. Complex, toxicological questions from current materials research will be prepared in a way that is comprehensible to the general public and presented for non-scientists (interested consumers, journalists, politicians, NGOs, etc.). These topics are communicated via the website nanopartikel.info, brochures and info flyers in an interdisciplinary approach with scientists from human toxicology, ecotoxicology, biology, physics and chemistry.