PAM²: Precision Additive Metal Manufacturing
- Contact: Dr. Steffen G. Scholz
- Project Group:
Process Optimization, Information Management, Applications (PIA)
- Partner:
Academic Partners
• KU Leuven, Mechanical Engineering Department, Belgium
• Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
• University of Padua, Italy
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
• Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
• The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Industrial partners
• 3D Systems Leuven, Belgium
• GE (Pignone Tecnologie srl), Italy
• Alicona, Austria
• LEGO Systems AS, Denmark
Associated Partners
• ASML, The Netherlands
• MAGMA GmbH, Germany - Startdate: 12/2016
- Enddate:
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a fast-growing sector with the ability to evoke a revolution in manufacturing due to its almost
unlimited design freedom and its capability to produce personalized parts locally and with efficient material use. AM companies however still face technological challenges such as limited precision due to shrinkage and build-in stresses as well as limited process stability and robustness. Moreover, often post-processing is needed due to the high roughness and remaining porosity. In addition, qualified, trained personnel is hard to find. This ITN project will address both the technological and people challenges.
To quality assure the parts produced, PAM² will, through a close collaboration between industry and academia, address each of the various process stages of AM with a view to implementing good precision engineering practice. To ensure the availability of trained personnel, ESRs (Early Stage Researcher) will, next to their individual research and complementary skills training, be immersed in the whole AM production chain through hands−on workshops where they will design, model, fabricate, measure and assess a specific product. One of the expected impacts of PAM2 is an increased market acceptance and penetration of AM. This will help Europe reach its target of 20% manufacturing share of gross domestic product.