MimanT (Micro-manufacturing training for SMEs)

  • Contact:

    Dr. Steffen G. Scholz 

  • Project Group:


  • Funding:

    EU, Life long learning programme, grant agreement number 2013- 3748 / 001 - 001

  • Partner:


  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


Programm: EU Life long learning programme 

Completed Project

The aim of the EU project Miman-T is to create a complete training system that provides a comparative overview on all the up-to-date Micro-Manufacturing Technologies (MMT) together with relevant technical and economical details. This will allow the participants to improve the methodology and systems for MMT to design, develop and manufacture miniaturised products in aluminium, titanium, steel, polymers, ceramics or any other new material available on MMT. This training system is mainly targeted at SMEs providing them with all the necessary information to invest in the miniaturisation of their products and the most suitable manufacturing technique for the respective production processes.

Miman-T specifically wants to enable:

  • the development of new miniaturised components by exploiting the gained knowledge on the current limitations of MMT
  • the optimisation of manufacturing processes
  • the development of systems which integrate the entire set of critical parameters that are directly affecting the design, manufacturing, post-processing and thus the final quality of the product

These critical parameters include:

  • Design requirements for manufacturing of miniaturised products
  • Material: combinations of metal, powder, plastics, silicon
  • Process: equipment, additive or subtractive processes
  • Metrology
  • Implementation of new business models based on customer needs, data capture design, logistics and manufacturing possibilities