- Contact:
- Project Group:
- Funding:
EU – FP7
- Partner:
KIT, University of Ulster, Environmental Research Laboratory (EREL), JRC, Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), Element Energy Ltd, AREVA Energy Storage
- Startdate:
- Enddate:
Programm: EU – FP7 - Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). Grant agreement No. 325386
The EU FP7 project SUSANA is built on the complementarities of expertise of leading European experts in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) used for provision of hydrogen safety to achieve the synergy and consolidate the CFD excellence in application to safety design of FCH systems and infrastructure. The project will critically review the state-of-the-art in physical and mathematical modelling of phenomena and scenarios relevant to hydrogen safety, i.e. releases and dispersion, ignitions and fires, deflagrations and detonations. Furthermore, the project is compiling a guide of best practices for using computational fluid dynamics in the safety analysis of fuel cell systems and infrastructure. Verification and validation procedures are being updated and databases are being created for verifying of problems as well as for the model validation. SUSANA is also carrying out benchmarking activities and will create a final CFD model evaluation protocol based on the previously generated documents and project activities.