• Contact:

    Dr. Steffen G. Scholz 

  • Project Group:


  • Funding:


  • Partner:

    KIT, IK4-TeknikerUniversity of Birmingham , Euroortodoncia, Flann Microwave, Technical University of Denmark, Mondragon Assembly, Ortofon, Alicona, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Flowdit, RHP Technologies, IK4 IDEKO, Ernst Wittner GmbH, Wittmann Battenfeld, Innovation Plasturgie Composites (IPC)

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


Programm: EU – FP7 – Manufacturing of highly miniaturized components (FoF.NMP.2013-11). Grant agreement No. 609110

Completed Project

The EU FP7 project HINMICO is focusing on the field of manufacturing functional, multi-material micro components via injection moulding. In the last decade the demand for mass fabricated three-dimensional micro parts with enhanced properties has risen steadily. Mass fabrication of polymer parts based on plastic moulding (injection moulding, micro injection moulding, hot embossing) could solve the current problems. HINMICO aims to develop fast and precise µ-replication-assembly processes with new tooling concepts/designs for processing high quality miniaturised multi-material parts using advanced materials/ sub-components with improved interface designs. The implementation of high speed and precision handling systems for delicate parts, quality inspection systems and backend processes enables the development of high throughput processes for the fabrication of multi-material functional devices. The developments are validated by five industrial demonstrators in 3 different sectors (health, communications, automotive).