Energy System 2050 (ES2050)
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“Energy System 2050 (ES2050)” is a joint initiative of the research field Energy of the Helmholtz Association. It focuses on the integration of relevant technology elements into the energy system and on the development of solutions for the successful use of the partly strongly fluctuating renewable energy sources in the German and European energy supply systems. Work is aimed at obtaining tangible and exploitable findings and technologies by 2019, which may be used by politics and industry afterwards.
IAI is the leading partner of Topic 5 “Toolbox with Databases”. Here, standardized data formats are to be defined and various data sources are to be combined. It is aimed at developing standardized models for components of the energy system and at conceiving reliable algorithms for planning, operation, and optimization of the energy system. IAI manages the following work packages:
- Data formats and data quality in database applications;
- Simulation platforms, IT systems architecture, security;
- Prognosis and automated operation planning;
- Instrumentation and control.