MINToring – Retrospective Event 2024

MINToring – Retrospective Event 2024

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  • Date: 2024-06-13
  • As part of the mentoring program MINToring, we invited mentors and mentees to the MINToring retrospective to reflect on the last round of the MINToring program together. This event provided the opportunity to review our experiences and insights from the past year and gather valuable ideas for the future.


    The event took place on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from 1 PM to 3 PM at KIT Campus North. This year, many new mentors also joined the discussion, and we warmly welcomed them. We offered delicious homemade scones and Chinese fruit tea. Before the official start, there was an optional lunch together in the Casino from 12 PM to 1 PM.


    During the meeting, both mentors and mentees shared their experiences from the past year, and the new mentors offered many great ideas. The MINToring team collected ideas in individual brainstorming sessions, which were then discussed and prioritized in the group to make the MINToring program even better in the coming year.


    We appreciate your participation and hope to continue improving the MINToring experience together!
    Kind regards,
    Your MINToring Team