apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Sieber
- Date: 02.03.2023
We congratulate PD Dr.-Ing. Ingo Sieber on his appointment as Extraordinary Professor (apl. Prof.) of the KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Mr. Ingo Sieber is head of the working group Lab Automation – Simulation & Design (LASD) in the Research Area of Automation for Laboratories (ATLAS) at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics. He received the Venia Legendi in 2016 after submitting his habilitation thesis Neue Methodik für die systematische Entwurfsauslegung mikrooptischer Systeme. The certificate of appointment as an apl. Professor was presented to Mr. Sieber by Prof. Bauer in the presence of Prof. Bretthauer during the Faculty Festival Colloquium on February 17, 2023.