Women@Bosch meets Women@IAI – The networking event of women from IAI and Robert Bosch GmbH
Anne-Christin Süß
- Date: 2022-09-12
Networking is an enrichment program, not an entitlement program – Susan Roan
Following this motto, the Women@IAI had the pleasure to welcome the women’s network of Robert Bosch GmbH Women@Bosch at the Energy Lab 2.0. On September 8, 2022, 25 women from Women@Bosch traveled from the Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Schwieberdingen, and Reutlingen locations to see the Energy Lab 2.0 and network with the Women@IAI.
We started in the control room with an introduction to IAI and Energy Lab 2.0 by the institute’s director, Prof. Hagenmeyer. Not only was the importance of research at IAI highlighted, but also the value of cooperation and collaboration between research and industry partners for the energy system of the future.
Afterwords, the women from Women@Bosch and Women@IAI set off in small groups to discover the Energy Lab 2.0. In the process, interesting questions were asked, discussions initiated and new insights gained. Thereafter, the two women’s networks were able to get to know each other better during a small speed-dating round and exchange their impressions of the tour of Energy Lab 2.0.
The eventful afternoon ended with a pleasant dinner.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this extraordinary network meeting!