Sine Canbolat Kaya, M.Sc.

  • Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen



Interoperability Assessment of IEC 61850 Devices in a Multivendor Digital Substation
Keppler, G.; Bonetti, A.; Canbolat, S.; Mumrez, A.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Elbez, G.
2024. 6th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM2024), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/GPECOM61896.2024.10582663
Extended Abstract: Assessing GNSS Vulnerabilities in Smart Grids
Canbolat, S.; Fruböse, C.; Elbez, G.; Hagenmeyer, V.
2024. 21st Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA ’24), Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-64171-8_28
Hybrid Risk Assessment Process for Smart Grids
Canbolat, S.; Elbez, G.; Hagenmeyer, V.
2023, Mai 10. 10th KIT-Zentrum Energie Promovierenden-Symposium // KIT Energy Center Doctoral Symposium (2023), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 10. Mai 2023
Preliminary study for an alarm correlation framework based on risk assessment in IEC 61850 substations
Canbolat, S.; Elbez, G.; Hagenmeyer, V.
2022, Mai 4. 1st CyberSecurity in Energy and Production Conference (2022), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 4. Mai 2022