Dr.  Katja Nau

Dr. Katja Nau

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Automation und angewandte Informatik (IAI)
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
    Fax: +49 721 608 22602
    Gebäude-Nr.: 445 / 449 / 668



Evaluation and quality of data on the safety of advanced materials
Nau, K.
2023, November 10. Advanced Materials Safety 2023 (2023), Saarbrücken, Deutschland, 8.–10. November 2023
Reliable risk communication on advanced materials safety - The DaNa4.0 Knowledge Base Materials
Nau, K.; Kühnel, D.; Krug, H. F.; Mattern, A.; Möller, N.; Steinbach, C.
2023, November 8. Advanced Materials Safety 2023 (2023), Saarbrücken, Deutschland, 8.–10. November 2023
Reliable communication on advanced materials - the impact of science communication on society
Nau, K.; Kuehnel, D.
2023, September 18. 10th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing / Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SDM / SEB 2023), Bari, Italien, 18.–20. September 2023
CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung
Baumann, W.; Bäger, D.; Deußen, O.; Diabaté, S.; Ellermann, N.; Emmerich, R.; Friesen, A.; Fritsch-Decker, S.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Gries, T.; Große, A.; Guth, J.; Hartwig, A.; Hauser, M.; Hofmann, M.; Hufnagel, M.; Kehren, D.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Leis, J.; Mahl, J.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Merz, D.; Möller, N.; Nau, K.; Naumann, R.; Plitzko, S.; Schlögel, K.; Stapf, D.; Steinbach, C.; Weiss, C.; Wexler, M.
2023. CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung - Abschlussworkshop (2023), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–20. Januar 2023
CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung
Baumann, W.; Bäger, D.; Deußen, O.; Diabaté, S.; Ellermann, N.; Emmerich, R.; Friesen, A.; Fritsch-Decker, S.; Gehrmann, H. J.; Gries, T.; Große, A.; Guth, J.; Hartwig, A.; Hauser, M.; Hofmann, M.; Hufnagel, M.; Kehren, D.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Leis, J.; Mahl, J.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Merz, D.; Möller, N.; Nau, K.; Naumann, R.; Plitzko, S.; Schlögel, K.; Stapf, D.; Steinbach, C.; Weiss, C.; Wexler, M.
Development of a Database for the Management and Use of Available Resources in the Field of Sustainable Nanomanufacturing
Marquardt, C.; Scholz, S. G.; Nau, K.; Schmidt, A.
2023. Sustainable Design and Manufacturing – Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, SDM 2022, 14th - 16th September 2022. Ed.: S. Scholz, 232–241, Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-9205-6_22
Knowledge Base Materials Sustainable Science Communication on Advanced Materials
Nau, K.; Espinoza, S.; Krug, H. F.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Möller, N.; Steinbach, C.; Kühnel, D.
2023. Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Ed.: S. G. Scholz, 33–42, Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-9205-6_4
Knowledge Base Materials : Sustainable science communication on advanced materials
Nau, K.
2022, September 15. 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES SDM-22 2022), Split / Dalmatien, Kroatien, 14.–16. September 2022
The DaNa4.0 web-based Knowledge Base Materials – 13 years on reliable risk communication on (nano)materials safety
Nau, K.; Kühnel, D.; Krug, H. F.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Möller, N.; Steinbach, C.
2022, Juni 21. NanoWeek and NanoCommons Final Conference “Evolution of Nanosafety and materials sustainability as we transition into Horizon Europe” (2022), Limassol, Zypern, 20.–24. Juni 2022
James Bond and the DaNa4 knowledge base: Why reliable science communication of nanomaterials and advanced materials is crucial
Mattern, A.; Kühnel, D.; Steinbach, C.; Espinoza, S.; Krug, H. F.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.
2022, Mai 16. 32nd Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe : Annual Meeting (SETAC Europe 2022), Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 15.–19. Mai 2022
Editorial: Methods and protocols in nanotoxicology
Krug, H. F.; Nau, K.
2022. Frontiers in Toxicology, 4, Art.Nr. 1093765. doi:10.3389/ftox.2022.1093765
Daten zur Sicherheit von innovativen Materialien – DaNa4.0
Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Kühnel, D.; Mattern, A.; Espinoza, S.; Krug, H.; Steinbach, C.
2021, Dezember
DaNa4.0 - advanced materials knowledge base in a new outfit
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Steinbach, C.
2021, April 22. 10th International Conference on Nanotoxicology (NanoTox 2021), Online, 20.–22. April 2021
Safe by Design in3D printing
Nau, K.; Scholz, S.
2019, Juli 4. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM 2019), Budapest, Ungarn, 4.–5. Juli 2019
DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base - Quality-approved information on Safety of Nanomaterials for all
Marquardt, C.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Mattern, A.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.; Möller, N.
2019, Juni 12. EuroNanoForum (2019), Bukarest, Rumänien, 12.–14. Juni 2019
DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base- Quality-approved information on safety of nanomaterials
Marquardt, C.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Mattern, A.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2019, Juni 7. 16th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN19 2019), Thessaloniki, Griechenland, 2.–5. Juli 2019
Automated Extraction of Domain-Specific Information from Scientific Publications
Kief, P.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Scholz, S.; Schmidt, A.
2019. 8th International Conference on Data Analytics, Porto, P, September 22-26, 2019
Automated Extraction of Domain-Specific Information from Scientific Publications
Kief, P.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Scholz, S.; Schmidt, A.
2019. 8th International Conference on Data Analytics (Data Analytics 2019), Porto, Portugal, 22.–26. September 2019
Safe by Design in 3D printing
Nau, K.; Scholz, S. G.
2019. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM 19), Budapest, Ungarn, 4 - 5 Juli 2019. Ed.: P. Ball, 341–350, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-9271-9_28
The DaNa2.0 Knowledge Base Nanomaterials - An Important Measure Accompanying Nanomaterials Development
Krug, H.; Bohmer, N.; Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Steinbach, C.
2018. Nanomaterials, 8 (4), 204. doi:10.3390/nano8040204
DaNa2.0 – Diverse and reliable information on environmental safety of nanomaterials
Kühnel, D.; Steinbach, C.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.
2018. 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology (NanoTox 2018), Neuss, Deutschland, 18.–21. September 2018
DaNa2.0 - A concept based search approach in the area of nanotoxicology
Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Schmidt, A.
2018. 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology (NanoTox 2018), Neuss, Deutschland, 18.–21. September 2018
Nanopartikel: alles ganz unbedenklich?
Nau, K.; Steinbach, C.; Krug, H.; Kühnel, D.; Bohmer, N.
2018. Die Furche, (04.01.2018)
DaNa2.0 – Knowledge Base Nanomaterials: Quality-approved and reliable information on synthetically engineered nanomaterials
Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Bohmer, N.; Kuehnel, D.; Reithel, S.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2017. Columbia-U.S. Workshop on Nanoechnology in Characterization, Metrology, Manufacturing and Safety, Bogota, CO, February 14-15, 2017
Supporting the environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality-approved information - the DaNa literature criteria checklist
Kühnel, D.; Reithel, S.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Bohmer, N.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2017. Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment, Dessau, 10.-11.Oktober 2017
Informing the public on safety aspects of nanomaterials - DaNa2.0
Nau, K.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2017. EuroNanoForum 2017, Valletta, Malta, June 21-23, 2017
Novel nano links for additive manufacturing - is there a need for a safety risk management concept in 3D printing?
Scholz, S.; Nau, K.
2017. EuroNanoForum 2017, Valletta, Malta, June 21-23, 2017
Nano inks for additive manufacturing - a safe-by-design-approach
Nau, K.; Müller, T.; Scholz, S. G.; Sampaio, D. J. B. S.
2017. ACHI 2017 : 10th International Conference on Advances in Compter-Human Interactions, Nice, F, March 19-23, 2017. Ed.: R. Oberhauser, 212–214, International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA)
Nano inks for additive manufacturing - a safe-by-design-approach
Nau, K.; Müller, T.; Scholz, S. G.; Sampaio, D. J. B. S.
2017. 10th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2017), Nizza, Frankreich, 19.–23. März 2017
DaNa 2.0 : verlässliche Informationen zur Sicherheit von marktüblichen Nanomaterialien
Steinbach, C.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Paul, F.; Reithel, S.; Marquardt, C.
2017. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 89 (3), 232–238. doi:10.1002/cite.201600074
Zuverlässigkeit in der Nanosicherheitsforschung = Reliability for Nanosafety Research
Krug, H. F.; Nau, K.
2017. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 89 (3), 215–223. doi:10.1002/cite.201600088
Environmental benefits and concerns on safety: communicating latest results on nanotechnology safety research—the project DaNa2.0
Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2017. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24 (12), 11120–11125. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6217-0
Supporting risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality - approved information - DaNa Literature Criteria Checklist
Marquardt, C.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2016. Nanosafe 2016 Conference, Grenoble, F, November 7-10, 2016
The DaNa2.0 knowledge base on nanomaterials – Communicating current nanosafety research based on evaluated literature data
Nau, K.; Bohmer, N.; Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Krug, H. F.
2016. Journal of materials education, 38 (3-4), 93–108
Sichere Nanomaterialien?!
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.
2016. Physik-Journal, 15 (11), 29–34
The Dana2.0 Knowledge Base on Nanomaterials – Communicating Current Nanosafety Research Based on Evaluated Literature Data
Nau, K.; Bohmer, N.; Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Krug, H. F.
2016. Journal of materials education, 38 (3-4), 93–108
Titannitrid: goldglänzend und elektrisch leitfähig, aber steinhart
Nau, K.; Paul, F.
2016. Hessen-Nanotech News, 2016 (1), 12–13
Nano inside and outside - informing the public on safety aspects of nanomaterials - from experts to laypersons
Nau, K.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H.; Kuehnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2016. 8th International Nanotoxicology Congress (nanoTOX 2016), Boston, MA, June 1-4, 2016
Supporting risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality-approved information. DaNa literature criteria checklist
Marquardt, C.; Bohmer, N.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2016. 8th International Nanotoxicology Congress (nanoTOX 2016), Boston, MA, June 1-4, 2016
Novel nano inks for additive manufacturing. Establishing nano safety risk management concepts in 3D printing
Scholz, S.; Nau, K.
2016. 8th International Nanotoxicology Congress (nanoTOX 2016), Boston, MA, June 1-4, 2016
The DaNa2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials - quality approved and easy-to-understand information on current nanosafety research
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2016. 82.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT) und 18.Jahrestagung der Klinischen Pharmakologie (VKliPha) in Zusammenarbeit mit der AGAH, Berlin, 20.Februar - 3.März 2016
Providing comprehensive information on environmental impacts of nanomaterials. The DaNa2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials
Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2015. 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials (ICEENN), Wien, A, September 6-10, 2015
Providing comprehensive information on environmental impacts of nanomaterials. The DaNa2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials
Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2015. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2015), Leipzig, September 20-24, 2015
Providing comprehensive information on environmental impacts of nanomaterials. The DaNa2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials
Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2015. SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, E, May 3-7, 2015
DaNa²̇⁰ - Wissensplattform Nanomaterialien
Steinbach, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Paul, F.; Wick, P.
2015. i-WING 2015 - Vom Material zur Innovation, Dresden, 27.-29.April 2015
The DaNa2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials. Communicating current nanosafety research based on evaluated literature data
Krug, H.; Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.
2015. 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2015), Singapore, SGP, June 28 - July 3, 2015
The DaN2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials. Quality-approved and easy-to-understand information on current nanosafety research
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2015. Nanotech France 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Paris, F, June 15-17, 2015
The DaN2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials. Quality-approved and easy-to-understand information on current nanosafety research
Marquardt, C.; Duschl, A.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2015. EuroNanoForum 2015, Riga, LV, June 10-12, 2015
Environmental impacts of nanomaterials: providing comprehensive information on exposure, transport and ecotoxicity - the project DaNa2.0
Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2014. Environmental Sciences Europe, 26 (21), 1–12. doi:10.1186/s12302-014-0021-6
Evaluating environmental impact of nanotechnology: knowledge dissemination on fate, transport and ecotoxicity of relevant nanomaterials
Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2014. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Basel, CH, May 11-15, 2014
The DaNa2 2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials - Communicating current nanosafety research
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kuehnel, D.; Paul, F.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2014. 4th International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials (NANOSAFE), Grenoble, F, November 18-20, 2014
DaNa²̇⁰ - Knowledge base nanomaterials
Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Mathes, B.; Wick, P.; Steinbach, C.
2014. 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH 2014), Nagoya, J, October 28-31, 2014
DaNa knowledge base nanomaterials - Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment
Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2014. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Basel, CH, May 11-15, 2014
The DaNa 2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials - Communicating current nanosafety research
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2014. NanoBio Europe: International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology, Münster, June 2-4, 2014
The DaNa2.0 knowledge base nanomaterials - nanosafety research for everyone
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Nau, K.; Steinbach, C.
2014. 7th International Nanotoxicology Congress (NanoTox 2014), Antalya, TR, April 23-26, 2014
Im Gleichgewicht? Risikoforschung zu Nanomaterialien
Krug, H. F.; Wick, P.; Hirsch, C.; Kühnel, D.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2014. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 49, 6–8
Considerations about the implementation of a public knowledge base regarding nanotechnology
Kimmig, D.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Schmidt, A.; Dickerhof, M.
2014. Computational science and discovery, 7, 014001/1–25. doi:10.1088/1749-4699/7/1/014001
Establishing a comprehensive knowledge base on engineered nanomaterials - the project DaNa
Kühnel, D.; Scholz, S.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2013. 14th German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Potsdam, March 28-31, 2013
Establishing a comprehensive knowledge base on engineered nanomaterials - the project DaNa
Kühnel, D.; Böhme, S.; Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2013. 8th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Aix-en-Provence, F, July 3-5, 2013
DaNa²̇⁰ - knowledge base nanomaterials
Krug, H. F.; Wick, P.; Louw-Gaume, A.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Marquardt, C.; Nau, K.; Steinbach, C.
2013. Stadt, Land, Fluss : Ökotoxikologie im urbanen Raum ; 18.Jahrestagung der Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Essen, 23.-26.September 2013
The DaNa²̇⁰ knowledge base nanomaterials - Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2013. NanoSafety 2013, Saarbrücken, 20.-22.November 2013
The DaNa knowledge base nanomaterials - Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2013. 10th International Particle Toxicology Conference, Düsseldorf, June 4-7, 2013
Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment: DaNa - knowledge base nanomaterials
Marquardt, C.; Kühnel, D.; Richter, V.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2013. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 429, 012060/1–7. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/429/1/012060
The DaNa knowledge base approach - applying a literature criteria checklist towards good quality research data
Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.; Steinbach, C.; Nau, K.
2013. 2nd QNano Integrating Conf., Praha, CZ, February 27 - March 1, 2013
Establishing a comprehensive knowledge base on engineered nanomaterials - The project DaNa
Kühnel, D.; Scholz, S.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2012. 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Berlin, May 20-24, 2012
Establishing a comprehensive knowledge base on engineered nanomaterials - the project DaNa
Kühnel, D.; Scholz, S.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2012. Erkennen, Untersuchen, Modellieren - Vom Nutzen des Verstehens : Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SETAC GLB und Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie der GDCh, Leipzig, 10.-13.September 2012
Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment: DANA - knowledge base nanomaterials
Nau, K.; Marquardt, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.; Scholz, S.; Steinbach, C.
2012. International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials (Nanosafe 2012), Grenoble, F, November 13-15, 2012
The DaNa project: knowledge base nanomaterials. Latest research results on the effects of nanomaterials on humans and the environment
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.; Scholz, S.; Steinbach, C.
2012. Internat.Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies (SENN 2012), Helsinki, SF, October 28-31, 2012
DANA - Wissensplattform Nanomaterialien
Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Nau, K.; Steinbach, C.
2012. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Umweltmedizin und Präventivmedizin, Freiburg, 22.-23. November 2012 Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis, 17(2012) Nr.5, (Abstract)
Ten years of successful safety research. 10 Jahre erfolgreiche Sicherheitsforschung
Krug, H.; Nau, K.; Steinbach, C.; Klose, R.; Förster, A.
2012. Chemie Report spezial, (9), 4–6
DaNa - Knowledge base nanomaterials
Steinbach, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Scholz, S.; Tryanowski, A.; Zschiesche, M.
2012. 10th Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE 2012), Dresden, Deutschland, 20. Mai 2012–23. Mai 2023
Visualisierung komplexer Beziehungsstrukturen in relationalen Datenbeständen
Schmidt, A.; Nau, K.; Atli, A.
2012. Forschung aktuell Karlsruhe : Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft, 2012
Die Sicherheit von Nanomaterialien in der Diskussion
Steinbach, C.; Mathes, B.; Krug, H. F.; Wick, P.; Kühnel, D.; Nau, K.
2012. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 152 (16), 90–92
Using open innovation to lower barriers for nanotechnology commercialisation
Kleer, R.; Nau, K.; Cenens, J.
2011. Nanotechitaly 2011, Venezia, I, November 23-25, 2011 Book of Abstracts
DANA - Erfassung, Bewertung und breitenwirksame Darstellung von gesellschaftlich relevanten Daten und Erkenntnissen zu Nanomaterialien
Steinbach, C.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Scholz, S.; Tryanowski, A.; Zschiesche, M.
2011. WING.DE 2011 : Werkstoffe gestalten die Zukunft, Berlin, 4.-6.Oktober 2011
Nanomaterialien - in aller Munde?
Krug, H. F.; Mathes, B.; Nau, K.; Wick, P.
2011. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 151 (27), 72–75
The DaNa project: Acquisition, evaluation and public-oriented presentation of society-relevant data and findings relating to nanomaterials
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.; Scholz, S.; Steinbach, C.; Zimmer, R.
2011. EuroNanoForum 2011, Budapest, H, May 30 - June 1, 2011
Navigation along database relationships
Atli, A.; Nau, K.; Schmidt, A.
2011. 7th Internat.Conf.on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Noordwijkerhout, NL, May 6-9, 2011 Proc.S.372-378 SciTePress, 2011
Navigation along database relationships
Atli, A.; Nau, K.; Schmidt, A.
2011. 7th Internat.Conf.on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Noordwijkerhout, NL, May 6-9, 2011 Proc.S.372-378 SciTePress, 2011
NanoCare und Co. Projekte zur Gewährleistung des Schutzes von Umwelt und Gesundheit
Nau, K.
2011. Kongress ’Nanotechnik und Bionik - Hightech in der Bauwirtschaft’, München, 18.-19.Januar 2011 Folien online veröff
DaNa - Erfassung, Bewertung und breitenwirksame Darstellung von gesellschaftlich relevanten Daten und Erkenntnissen zu Nanomaterialien
Kühnel, D.; Scholz, S.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Krug, H. F.; Zimmer, R.; Mathes, B.; Steinbach, C.
2010. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Mineralien und Spurenelemente (GMS), Leipzig, 7.-9.Oktober 2010
Acquisition, evaluation and public-oriented presentation of social relevant data and findings for nanomaterials (DaNa)
Kühnel, D.; Scholz, S.; Nau, K.; Richter, V.; Krug, H.; Zimmer, R.; Förster, A.; Steinbach, C.
2010. Science and Technology for Environmental Protection : 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Sevilla, E, May 23-27, 2010
Acquisition, evaluation and public orientated presentation of societal relevant data and findings for nanomaterials (DaNa)
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.
2010. Nanotoxicology 2010, Edinburgh, GB, June 2-4, 2010 Book of Abstracts
Acquisition, evaluation and public orientated presentation of societal relevant data and findings for nanomaterials (DaNa)
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Mathes, B.; Richter, V.
2010. Nanotoxicology 2010, Edinburgh, GB, June 2-4, 2010 Book of Abstracts
Acquisition, evaluation and public orientated presentation of societal relevant data and findings for nanomaterials (DaNa)
Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Richter, V.; Steinbach, C.
2010. 2nd NanoImpactNet Conf., Lausanne, CH, March 9-12, 2010 Book of Abstracts -95 / 139 -
Nanotoxicology and in vitro studies
Nau, K.
2009. Risk Governance of Nanotechnologies : Possible Health Effects of Manufactured Nanomaterials ; 3.Nanotrust Herbsttagung, Wien, A, 24.September 2009 Folien online
NanoCare : Health related aspects of nanomaterials
Kuhlbusch, T. A. J.; Krug, H. F.; Nau, K.; Nau, K.; Krug, H. F.; Kusche, O.; Dickerhof, M.; Quendt, C.; Fleischer, T.; Mülhopt, S.; Paur, H. R.; u.a.
2009. Final Scientific Report Frankfurt : DECHEMA e.V., 2009
Aktuelle Projekte/Themen